Social Policy

The Renold plc Group ("Group") is wholly committed to ensuring that all those involved in its operations work safely at all times. This overriding commitment to provide a safe and secure working environment extends to those employees of other companies working on the Group's behalf, as well as customers, visitors and other third parties that may be affected by the Group's activities.

Management of health and safety is integral to the Group's business strategy. The Group endeavours to set the highest practicable standards for health, safety and welfare and shall comply with all of its statutory obligations.

At a Divisional level, each Division shall fully conform to the legal and regulatory requirements of the relevant government or other enforcing authority in every country in which it operates.

The Framework

A set of minimum health and safety expectations, collectively known as the Health and Safety Management System Framework ("the Framework"), have been defined at Group level. The Framework adopts a "Plan, Do, Check and Act" management cycle in line with UK Health and Safety Executive document HS(G)65. Key components of the Framework include:

  • Accountability and leadership
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Training and behaviours
  • Accident/incident analysis and prevention
  • Working with third parties
  • Performance reporting to the Group
  • Inspection, improvement and action tracking

The Framework is developed in collaboration with individual Sites, using good practice and experience to evolve its content. Reference to "Sites" within this Policy includes all Renold premises (whether owned or leased) and, by way of example, all administration offices, sales centres and production and warehousing facilities.

Each Site will ensure its own health and safety management system is, at least, consistent with the most up-to-date standards set by the Framework.

Reporting and Delegation

Group Board Level

The Group, via the Chief Executive Officer ("CEO"), shall support and make available all necessary assistance to enable the Divisions to achieve these Policy commitments and shall ensure continual improvement in the standards of health, safety and welfare being across the Group.

At Group Board level, the CEO has responsibility for the development of policy and management systems, including those relevant to health and safety.

Divisional Level

At Divisional level, responsibility for health and safety is delegated via the Divisional Managing Director/President to the Senior Manager at each Site. Each Divisional Managing Director/President will be required to report health and safety performance on a monthly basis and to advise the Group Board immediately of any health and safety risks or issues likely to be significant to the business.

Group Assurance

The Group Health and Safety Assurance Manager, who reports to the Group Head of Assurance, is responsible for:

Dissemination and communication of relevant changes in local legislation to impacted parts of the Group;

Maintenance of the Framework documentation;

Undertaking health and safety site audits specified by the Group Head of Assurance, including validation exercises for specified Site based accident/incident investigations;

Collation of reports to the Group Board, based upon data supplied by the Divisions and Sites;

Acting as a consultant to Site management for specified assignments agreed via the Group Head of Assurance, providing there is no conflict of interest.


All employees are empowered and encouraged to challenge, up to and including halting, work that they consider to be unsafe for themselves or others. Such a challenge, which must be conveyed to local management as soon as possible, will require a timely and suitable response to assess and address the root causes of the raised issues.

For the avoidance of doubt this Policy requires all employees working at or away from the Group's Sites to:

Fully comply with all requirements of the Framework;

Promptly report via line management all accidents, injuries, illness, near-misses and any unsafe or unhealthy conditions or incidents.

Failure to act in accordance with these minimum requirements can lead to disciplinary action.

Review and Assurance

All Sites should review their health and safety compliance with this Policy at least every 12 months and, should there be any failings, prompt corrective action should be taken.In addition to Site inspections undertaken by Site management, the Group operates a programme of independent health and safety audits to assess Site compliance with the Framework referenced above. This programme is managed by the Group Head of Assurance. All production Sites are subject to an audit at least every two years, or more frequently where follow-up reviews are required.

Issues raised during audits are subject to established tracking processes, supported by the web based Integrated Risk Management System. Site management's responsiveness to issues raised during audits shall be reported via the Group's governance committees and relevant action will be taken in the event of response failures.

Individual's responsibilities

Working safely is the responsibility of all employees and non-employees working within the business. Individuals must:

Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and all other employees and third parties they encounter;

Not misuse or interfere with anything that is provided in the interests of health and safety;

Report any accidents/near-misses as soon as possible so that the Group is able to pro-actively manage its health and safety risks;

Co-operate in any investigations of accidents or incidents.

All employees must use equipment in accordance with operating instructions, instructions given by managers and any relevant training. Any fault with, damage to or concern about any equipment or its use must immediately be reported to the employee's manager.

Employees must ensure that protective and safety equipment is not interfered with and that any damage is immediately reported. No employee should attempt to repair such equipment unless trained and authorised to do so.

Failure by any employee to take responsibility for their own health and safety or compromise another employee's or third party's health and safety will be treated seriously and disciplinary action may be taken, including where appropriate gross misconduct.

The Environment

The Group is committed to minimising the impacts of its business operations on the environment. It is the policy of Renold to adhere, so far as practicable, to the principles set out below and co-operate with industry, government bodies, regulators, suppliers and customers to develop and achieve improved standards of environmental protection.

At Board level, the CEO has specific responsibility for the development of policy and management systems. Responsibility for environmental matters in each Division is delegated via the Divisional Managing Director/President to the Senior Manager at each Site. Each Divisional Managing Director/President will be required to advise the Board immediately of any associated risks likely to be significant to the business.

Divisions are responsible for reporting to the Company Secretary of Renold plc and to those responsible for insurances for their Division, as soon as possible, any environmental incidents or any incidents which could result in negative publicity against the Group or environmental liabilities for the Group.

All Divisions are required to:

  • strive to continuously improve environmental performance
  • reduce consumption of resources and improve efficiency in the use of these resources
  • manage waste generated from business operations according to the principles of reduction, reuse and recycling
  • manage business operations to prevent pollution so far as practicable
  • comply with all relevant environmental legislation

The management of each Site is required to prepare and issue a local Environmental Statement which complies with Group policy and details the appropriate environmental arrangements for that Site. In preparing Environmental Statements and monitoring compliance, the principles set out above should be adhered to.